example of a lie by omission

The Most Powerful Form Of A Lie - Lying By Omission - EXPOSED

4:01 AM
"Lying by omission, otherwise known as exclusionary detailing, is lying by either omitting certain facts or by failing to correct a misconception" "In the case of the former, an example of this would be a car salesmen claiming a car to have amazing fuel economy while neglecting to mention that it has no engine and is completely immobile. In the case of the...


example of how to persuade

How To Influence and Persuade People Without Being Obvious

10:52 AM
In this video Dantalion Jones will explain a simple technique that enables you to influence and persuade people without being too obvious that you are trying to make them do something you want them to do. Dantalion Jones is a writer, lecturer and researcher in the field of influence, persuasion, hypnosis, NLP and mind control.  Pacing and Leading The technique is all about...


benefits of having a phone for children

How To Persuade Parents To Get You A New Phone

10:38 AM
Here's a step by step sneaky way of convincing your parents to buy you a new phone. Basically you need to 1. Do a research about the phone and print it 2. Leave the print out in your dining area so your parents can see it 3. If they ask why you have this, "nicely" say that it's "just a cool thing to...


facts do not change people's minds

How To Change People's Mind To The Way You Are Thinking

11:02 AM
Sometimes The Best Way To Change People's Minds Is To Be Mean Contrary to the above video of looking at other people's point of view to change their mind, sometimes it is better to be mean. Rather than being "nice", understanding and diplomatic in your communication, it is better to show authority and that you are serious about what you want them to...


articles on how to persuade a customer

Examples Of How To Persuade A Customer To Buy A Product

10:38 AM
Jordan Belfort: Sell me this pen. Brad: Write me your name on this napkin. Jordan Belfort: I can't, I don't have a pen. Brad: There you go, it's a matter of supply and demand. The above scene is from "The Wolf of Wall Street" movie, it's one of my favorite movie. And this particular scene is where I had that "aha" moment when...


how to beat office bullies

How To Handle Office Bullies

10:35 AM
Dan O'Connor is one of my favorite communication expert. I'm following his YouTube channel wherein he provides great and practical tips on difficult situations requiring good communication skills. I suggest you follow him as well. Below are some of the best tips I've gathered from the web on how to handle office bullies like a pro MMA office fighter! Assess the Problem Take...


control your mind by self priming

How To Control Your Mind By Self Priming

10:50 AM
Wouldn't it be cool if you can control the way you feel, think and act by eliciting desired response from your own BRAIN?! So even if you don't "feel" happy, you can trick your brain to feel happy. That's where priming comes in. Priming is the implicit memory effect in which exposure to a stimulus influences response to a later stimulus. It is...


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