
How To Influence and Persuade People Without Being Obvious

10:52 AM

In this video Dantalion Jones will explain a simple technique that enables you to influence and persuade people without being too obvious that you are trying to make them do something you want them to do.

Dantalion Jones is a writer, lecturer and researcher in the field of influence, persuasion, hypnosis, NLP and mind control. 

Pacing and Leading

The technique is all about Pacing and Leading. Note: Pacing and leading discussed here is not about building rapport and mirroring (a different topic)

It is basically making your target agree with you by stating facts that he can't refute or argue (i.e. PACING) then state something that will "lead" him to do what you want him to do (LEADING).

Right now you are reading this post about how to persuade people. You are curious about the techniques on how to influence people especially your co-workers, friends and family.
Sometimes you want other people to behave in a way you want them to behave. Or you want them to think/believe in something, but sometimes no matter what you do... it seems that they just don't listen to you. Now this blog will help you learn the art of persuasion. You want to increase your power of influence so you will make every effort learning this skill. You can bookmark this blog and like our Facebook Page so you get updated on persuasion tips and hacks.
Did you see the facts (pacing) in the above example? And did you see the leading statements wherein I'm asking you to do something?

This technique takes advantage of the way our mind works in which we tend to agree more on something after we were initially led to agree on other stuff in consecutive and seamless manner.

The suggested pattern to do this technique is by making your target agree on agreeable things three times in a row before you inject the lead or statement of what you want them to do.

The Power of Nodding Your Head

In real life one-on-one communication, to increase the effectiveness of pacing and leading, you simply nod your head once you state your "lead" statement or question.

Apply This Technique and Adjust Accordingly

Be sure that your target somehow shows agreement by watching him reciprocates your nod with a nod together with some gestures that he is agreeing on what you are saying... on top of his actual words. 

Our culture trained us to be respectful, so sometimes we just nod or be in agreement with another person to avoid conflict. So to be sure you are doing this technique right, you need to be socially aware and be able to read your target's other body language (e.g. smile, leaning towards you, body is generally open to you, feet are not impatiently moving if sitting, arms are not crossed)

Once you see two or more of this positive body language, you now know you are doing this correctly.

Actually, in all persuasion you also need to learn how to read people's body language, so you can adjust the technique depending on your target's reaction. More about reading people's body language on another post.

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