How To Persuade Parents To Get You A New Phone
10:38 AMHere's a step by step sneaky way of convincing your parents to buy you a new phone.
Basically you need to
1. Do a research about the phone and print it
2. Leave the print out in your dining area so your parents can see it
3. If they ask why you have this, "nicely" say that it's "just a cool thing to read". Don't show too much interest.
4. Then you do something that they will appreciate like wash the dishes, help clean the house. Repeat within 3 weeks.
5. Look for old stuff that you can sell
6. Call a meeting on a Sunday and subtly remind your parents that you've been helping a lot for the past weeks and you want to sell the old stuff you found. When they ask why, you tell them that you want to buy the phone they saw.
7. If you estimate that the money from the sale is not enough, you ask your parents for the remaining balance. That's it!
Here's the full step by step from <>
You can also use below benefits to persuade your parents to buy you a new phone!
Benefits of Having a Cellphone
- Safety - in times of emergency you can call home. Or through GPS technology your parents can track your whereabouts.
- Keeping in Touch - especially with smartphones you and your parents can share social information like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram in real time. Just let them know that you will not give any private information about yourself to anyone online.
- Self Discipline - contrary to popular belief, cellphones can teach you good manners. Just let your parents know that you will not use cellphones during dinner for example and you are willing to be accountable if you fail to observe it by allowing your parents take away your phone.